This article explains how to update Failed Order Lines (FOLs) which have been generated in SCOT for the problematic deliveries of your suppliers.
1. Failed Order Line Grid
The search results section of the Root Cause Analysis page is named "Failed Order Line" and it consists of a grid displaying detailed information about the Failed Order Lines. In addition, there are some important features that can be used while working on the root cause analysis of FOLs.
Each section is marked in the screenshot below:
1. Records Found - shows the number of FOLs found for the defined search criteria.
2. FOL Grid - shows one entry for each article variant for which there was a delivery problem. All relevant information is shown here, such as Supplier, Order Number, Store, Article, Order date, Planned Delivery date, GR date, etc. The columns of the grid can be customised using the Configure Table menu.
3. Page Size - reflects the number of records shown on a page. It can be changed to 10, 20, 50 or 100.
4. Bulk Update, Upload root causes (Excel) - used to updating the FOLs.
5. RCA number guide - shows the root cause details split by category/responsible party.
6. Three dots menu - used if you want to export the Root causes in Excel or CSV format. You can also export for Root cause approval.
2. How to customize columns in the Failed Order Line grid
To show or hide columns in the FOL grid, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Click on Configure Table and scroll through the list of columns. Select/unselect columns depending on your needs. Use Select All to select all available columns.
NOTE: Mandatory columns are greyed out and cannot be unselected.
Step 2: Click on the Apply button to save changes.
3. How to update Failed Order Lines
Root causes are split up in four main categories: Supplier, Metro, Force majeure and Commercial. Each root cause has a number and a short description which helps you make the right choice.
To view the Root Causes and their explanations, click on the option available in the upper right corner of the FOL grid where it says "Click here to view RCA number guide".
There are three ways in which you can update the FOLs. Here updating FOLs refer to editing FOLs, commenting on them, checking and giving your feedback to the suppliers. The three ways are:
1. One FOL at a time - in case you need to update just a few FOLs
2. Bulk Update - in case you have a set of FOLs with the same root cause
3. Excel Upload - in case you need to update many FOLs with different root causes
All three possibilities are explained with step-by-step instructions below.
1. One FOL at a time
In this method, you can select a specific cell under FOLs like "Order no" or "Article" and update FOLs in the right side pane of the screen where it shows the information regarding the article, order.
The RCA 2 Approval status is by default set to "Not Checked". Once you have checked it, you can provide your approval by updating the status. Further you can also assign RCA 3 and provide RCA 3 comment if any.
2. Bulk update
Click the checkbox in front of any FOL and the Bulk Update button at the top of the FOL grid is activated.
You can select more than one FOL and do the bulk update. Once you click on the bulk update button, a pop up will be opened where you can update the FOLs.
You can also enter Yes or No in the Late delivered and Non delivered exclusion flag. Once you enter the necessary fields, click on Update. These exclusion flags when selected "Yes" will exempt the supplier from Late Delivery or Non Delivery respectively.
After clicking on update, a confirmation with the number of FOL records selected will be shown where on selecting yes, will make the necessary updates.
You can check and uncheck any FOLs this way to select the ones that you need to update with the same root cause.
3. Excel upload
To upload an updated RCA Excel, firstly, you need to export the Excel sheet by clicking on the three dots beside the Configure table towards the right.
After clicking on Export for approval (Excel), an excel file will be downloaded. After opening it, it will show the FOL report with various columns which include Supplier number, Supplier name, Order no, MGB no, Planned Delivery Date, RCA1, RCA2, RCA 2 Comment, RCA 2 Approval status. RCA 3, RCA 3 comment, Late Exclusion Flag, Non-Delivery Exclusion Flag, Company hire Id, Subsystem No, Article No, Variant No and Buying Trade Unit No.
If you move towards the right, there you can see the RCA 2 Approval Status , RCA 3 , RCA 3 Comment columns. The RCA 2 Approval status is by default set to Not Checked.
Upon selecting the Not Checked cell, a drop down will be entered where it shows 3 options- Not Checked, Approved, Rejected. You can select any of the 3 options only accordingly.
NOTE: Please note that if the cells are left empty or blank or if any other values than the 3 mentioned in dropdown are entered, then it will not take and show as invalid input.
Under RCA 2 Approval status column, the cells shouldn't be left empty or blank.
Please also assign the respective values in "RCA 3", "RCA 3 Comment" columns, if necessary.
In case you wish to exempt the supplier from Late Delivery or Non Delivery, you should set the Late Delivered Exclusion Flag = Yes or Non Delivery Exclusion Flag = Yes respectively.
NOTE: Only Values "Yes" or "No" should be entered in “Non Delivered Exclusion Flag” and “Late Delivered Exclusion Flag” columns as applicable. The fields shouldn't be left empty or blank.
IMPORTANT: After updating the changes in the excel, ensure to remove the first two rows and make the file unrestricted while saving it.
Once the excel file is saved, click on Upload Root causes (Excel) and in step 2, you need to Upload the excel file which you saved.
After selecting the file and clicking on upload, you can track the upload status in step 3.
5. Your suppliers' deadline to submit their root causes (RCA2)
The deadline by which suppliers need to comment in RCA2 on FOLs is different for each country. Suppliers need to check and comment FOLs weekly. Or monthly, by the end of the current month.
FOLs are “closed” (locked, uneditable) for suppliers as soon as you approve their RCA2 or enter RCA3.
Therefore, in case supplier needs to make changes to RCA2 on any "closed" FOLs, you need to mark RCA2 Approval Status = Not Checked, respectively to Remove RCA3. This will make FOLs editable for supplier again and they will be able to enter or change RCA2.