Q: I want to update more FOLs at once, with the same info. I can find export Excel option in burger menu, but cannot find import or upload option anywhere. How can I update more FOLs at the same time?

A: First and foremost, please note that multiple FOL update is different for Admin vs Supplier. The Supplier, indeed, has the possibility to export a list of FOLs in Excel format, to fill it in with the needed information (various root causes, various comments depending on each case) and to upload that file back to SCOT afterwards. This way, Supplier can easily comment FOLs with RCA2 and RC comments (not necessarily same info for all FOLs).


For you as Admin, the process is different as you do NOT have this option of FOL update via Excel file.

This takes us to second point: BULK update of FOLs (which is available for both you as Admin and for your suppliers). This is what you need to do:

1. Select the FOLs that need to be updated with same info (same RC2 approval status or same RC3 and comment or same exclusion flags) by using specific search filters (Supplier, Order number, Metro Article Number, Store, or other relevant details).


2. Click on "Bulk Update", right above Failed Order Line, below the filters: You will see the fields available for updates.


NOTE: All the FOLs selected during filtering step will be automatically ticked. If you want to update only some of them, please untick the ones you don't want to be impacted.


3. Proceed with the needed updates and click on "Update" button, as in the picture below: