The Business Overview section offers suppliers a high-level overview of OTIF (delivery performance) and problematic deliveries (Late Delivery and No Delivery), as well as of Availability of products and Lost Sales Opportunity as a result of missing products in Metro stores.

Markers present under OTIF are:


Late Delivery

- No Delivery

These analytics are available at supplier company level (for all supplier numbers linked to a supplier company account) or for each individual supplier number. (In the case of big organisations, they can have several supplier numbers depending on various criteria, like product category.) Selection of detail level can be done in the "Account" drop-down menu.

OTIF, Late Delivery and No Delivery are expressed both as percentage and quantity in Metro Units (MU).

OTIF Target is also shown for each supplier number selected in the "Account" drop-down list.

Note: OTIF target is not shown if you select "All accounts" to see results. OTIF target becomes visible at supplier number level because it can be different for each supplier number (as defined in the child contracts). Moreover, for suppliers where there are 2 types of OTIF defined - OTIF Target Own Brand and OTIF Target Regular Brand - both will be shown.

For the Period, selection goes from 1 month, to 3 months, 6 months and maximum 1 year. A month is considered as the last "closed" month in SCOT. More precisely, the month for which Net OTIF was calculated (automatic performance calculation is done by the system on the 8th of each month for the previous month). Also, in the menu can be found "Custom Month" option.

For example, if today is the 14th of August, last month shown is July 1st-31st. If Period = 1 month is selected, data displayed under "Actual" OTIF is for the month of July. As for the comparison "To previous period", data from June will be taken into consideration as reference point.
If 3 months is selected, then "Actual" OTIF encompasses the months of May-June-July compared "To previous period", which in this case is February-March-April (previous batch of three consecutive months).

Actual period and previous period have the same duration for the comparison to make sense.
The same principle applies to Availability and Lost Sales Opportunity.

Actual OTIF compared to previous period gives supplier the possibility to see the dynamics and general trend of his results.

The colours indicate the evolution of KPI: green for positive evolution, even if the sign is minus  "-" (e.g. negative trend of No Delivery represents a positive evolution for this KPI) and red for negative evolution, even if the sign is plus "+" (e.g. positive trend for Late Delivery represent a negative evolution for this KPI).

Important: In "To Previous Period", percentages are calculated taking as reference point previous KPI results, not the absolute percentage of the whole OTIF.

Availability and Lost Sales Opportunity are two new KPIs that were introduced from EDGE (data is imported from EDGE). Data is updated in SCOT on a weekly basis (every Tuesday) - with the only difference that Availability has daily data granularity while Lost Sales Opportunity data is on weekly level in both EDGE and SCOT. In SCOT, suppliers will see only cumulative results depending on the period filter that they select.

- Availability - shows the percentage of stock present in Metro stores for the defined period. Availability target is always 100%, so this is the reference point. Calculation logic is the same as in corporate reporting. 

Note: EDGE receives Availability data from MDW

- Lost Sales Opportunityshows the estimative amount, expressed in money (euro or local currency as used for NNBP prices in MDW), representing the potential sales that could have been done, but for various reasons were not. 

The logic of calculation is the following: once a week, MDSP sends to EDGE information about lost sales quantity (for the days with stock quantity = 0, MDSP calculates forecast for these days as lost sales). EDGE multiplies QTY to NNBP price of each article to recalculate from pieces to money and shows 50% out of this value (because full amount should  be split  between Metro and Supplier). 

Note: EDGE receives Lost Sales Opportunity data from MDSP, which means that this KPI is visible on the home page only for countries which are working with MDSP.

Please check the list of MDSP-countries below:

- Poland

- Spain

- Ukraine

- Hungary

- Germany

- Russia

- Turkey

- Bulgaria

- Croatia

- Serbia

- Portugal

- France

- Italy

- Romania

- Netherlands in implementation phase

For Availability and Lost Sales Opportunity, the colours have the same logic as for OTIF KPIs. The direction of the arrows indicates increase (arrow up) or decrease (arrow down) of the figures/percentages, not KPI meaning.

For all of the above you may notice an "Info" button. 

In order to see the information you should put the mouse on "i" without any click on it and wait for a second.