When you start working with SCOT, one of your tasks as Country Admin is to create contracts for your suppliers in the Penalisation Contracts section of SCOT.
You need to create:
- Master contract - include general conditions per country (you can have one or more master contracts, depending on your needs to group suppliers by various criteria.)
- Child contracts - one separate child contract for each supplier and linked to a master contract
Even if you do not work with penalties, Child Contracts are needed in order to send Bulk Email with performance report (because each child contract includes contact information/emails in supplier company). In this case, Child Contract type is "Performance only".
If you work with penalties, Child Contract type is "Active".
Both performance and penalty reports can be sent via Bulk Email. Penalty rates agreed with supplier are defined in SCOT under Master and/or Child Contracts.
How to create Child Contracts
1. MANUALLY from Admin's end
2. AUTOMATICALLY from Developper's end
Go to SCOT|Employee > Penalization Contracts > Master Contracts > Create Master Contract.
Fill in all the country specific data for your master contract and click on ADD button. Please note that you can create multiple master contracts based on your needs.
After creating Master Contracts, you can create your first Child contract and associate it to the relevant Master contract.
Add all supplier-specific contract conditions in the Child contract and click the ADD button. To connect child contract to master contract, just choose the right Master contract from the drop-down menu of the field Master Contracts.
Sometimes, when you have a long list of suppliers to onboard in SCOT or if you need to create multiple child contract for same supplier, you might need the help of our Tech Team. They can do a mass child contract creation from backend.
For this, please contact Business Lead Ruchi Pathak [email protected]. A customised template will be created based on your needs, you will fill it in with your supplier contractual details, then our Tech Team will upload it to SCOT, so new Child contract of your supplier become available in SCOT for you.