Q: How can we add/update translations in PROD?
A: As a Metro Admin, you can translate the interface of the SCOT application into your own country language(s). Please add your translations in SCOT Pre-Production (PP) and afterwards our Tech Team will publish it to SCOT Production.
1. Log in to SCOT PP, go to Translations tab and add/update translations for your country.
Select your language from the drop-down menu bar. Select feature you would like to translate and your option for Auto apply across features. Click Load. Enter translations.
2. Click on Save & View (right bottom corner of the page) and check the translations you entered directly in the SCOT UI to make sure their display and context are correct.
3. Send us an email at [email protected] to let us know that translations are ready in PP. As soon as our Tech Team publishes these translations in Prod, we will confirm back to you.
Note: Translations tab is available for Metro Admin in PROD as well. But it is highly recommended to follow the flow described above (to push translations from the Backend) in order to avoid any possible errors.