Wine Project Process Overview

Please see the attached documentation for detailed information. 

1. Create the project

From the Menu button navigate to Sourcing/Project management/RFX-Project list.

Click on New to create a new project then Search and select template Corporate Global Wine Sourcing 2.0.

Click on Apply.

Define the Project name according to your naming convention. Select the International Classification by clicking the “+” icon, then search and select the corresponding category. Finally, click Apply to confirm.

2. Create the Project Team

Navigate to Project Team and click Add to invite the Country Buyers, the Mandate holders and internal users that will need access to the project.

Search for the user, Select and click Add to project team

A popup window will appear - Assign the corresponding Role and click Apply

OBM Lead: You, the project leader, who created the project

OBM Substitute: Has same rights as the project leader, provide this role to the Mandate Holder

Buyer participant: Country buyers that will provide quantities 

Guest: Has only viewer right on the project

Click Back to project team to see the invited users

  • Hint:  You can Save the project team by clicking Save project team as, provide a Title to the team, click the Save icon , select Public so your colleagues can see it also,  and click Apply. If you have a Saved project team you can use Insert project team button and invite all the users to the project at once.

  • Note: User roles can be changed at any time if needed. Users can be deleted from the project team only if the project status is ‘In Setup.’ If the project is no longer ‘In Setup,’ the invitation status can be set to ‘Uninvited’ to remove a user from the project. 

3. Documents

Navigate to the Documents tab and click Mass Upload to attach files that you need to share with Buyers and Supplier. Select the files and wait for them to upload. 

Select the Documents to Remove or Provide Buyer and Supplier access according to your needs. Before publishing the Request for price at least one document needs to be set as General Conditions - Set GC

  • Make sure that the documents are not saved as Restricted before uploading.
  • Be aware that General conditions cannot be replaced once the RFP grid was published.

 4. Add articles in Demand Specification

Navigate to Demand Specification tab and click Insert Existing article if you need to renegotiate articles already existing in the system or click Insert empty lines if you need to create new articles. 

In case of Insert empty lines, select the number of lines and click Apply

  • Fill in the article data accordingly and click on Save
  • The columns marked in red are mandatory. 
  • Provide the article name according to your naming convention. 

In case of Insert existing articles search for the articles that you need to renegotiate, Select them and click Renegotiate article.

  • You can search for the old Project ID to select multiple articles at once. 
  • The article status needs to be Active or Expired for the renegotiation. 
  • The article should not have any In development version when being renegotiated. 
  • If there is a version In development it means the article was not yet awarded in a previous project. 

  • Hint: Use Export Grid to fill in the data in Excel. Use Import lines to import the data that was filled in in the previously exported Excel file. 

  • Hint: Use the Copy option to copy data from one article to the rest of the articles (ex. Contract dates, Unit measurement...) 

5. Publish the Demand specification grid for Quantity Collection.

When you are ready to open the quantity collection first click on BU View then click on Publish.

A pop up window will appear. Click Next, then Select the Start and End date for the tender and click Apply

  • Once Published the Project status will be Online.
  • The Internal users will receive an automatic email informing them that the Quantity collection is open. 
  • The Buyer Participants will be able to provide quantities in the tender. 
  • See How to place Quantities as a Country Buyer

The columns Previous Year Price and Tender Quantity Last Year are by default populated and visible for the Buyer participants. 

Open the project and go in Demand Specification, click Back to tender elements to see the grid options.

Use View answers or View reports to see the quantities published by the countries: 

Use the Extend if you need to change the end date and time. Select the Courtiers that need the extension, click Next, set the new date and time and click Apply

Use Place Values option in case you need to add quantitates on behalf of a country

Select the Corresponding BU - Add the quantities - Click Save then click Publish 

  • This functionality is only available if the grid status is Online or Extended. 
  • In case is Closed or In Analysis please Extend first. 

6. Prepare the RFP grid

Open the project, go in Demand Specification and click Back to tender elements to see the grid options. 

Click Aggregate and transfer to create the RFP grid. 

  • You will be automatically transferred in the RFP tab and you will see the grid created. 
  • The RFP grid the same articles as in Demand specification with aggregated quantities. 

Use Set Name if you wish to define a new name for the grid. 

Use Edit line items if you need to edit Article data or Quantities before publishing. 

Use Preview to see how different roles will see the grids. Select supplier sole in the preview to check the supplier view before publishing. 

Use Move grid lines to new structure if you need to split the articles in different grids. 

The Mandate Holder will Publish the RFP and will be responsible for the negotiation with suppliers within home country. 

Click HERE to see How to Publish the RFP. 

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.