SCOT has evolved from being a simple data sharing platform into a powerful resource for optimizing your supply chain. The latest feature, Forecast Sharing, enables you to better predict order needs, ensuring seamless operations. This article will guide you through the new Forecast Sharing page.


What is Forecast sharing?

Traditionally, data flows into SCOT from backend, which automatically analyses all METRO sales data—including sales (projected/predicted sales to end consumers) and orders (planned to be placed by admins to suppliers).

The page consists of data flown from the backend into the system once a week. Every Tuesday the data gets updated. The entire forecast is defined on an account level. The forecast data is available from the current week for a total period of 13 weeks. As seen on the screenshot above, you will be able to select one account at a time and fill in the remaining filters, Week Number, Article Variant details, Supplier Article details, GTIN, Category (The highest level of article grouping in the sourcing system).

Once the required filter is applied, select Search.

The table shows all the units in buying bundle quantities. Usually all the data is defined based on country level. However, in Forecast Sharing, the access is defined on Account level tied to the account number in the screen. Each account has a different level off access. The accesses could vary among the following,

1. Total Sales Forecast (SF)

2. Sales Forecast - Base Price (SFB)

3. Sales Forecast - Promo Price (SFP)

4. Total Order Forecast (OF)

The accesses for all the accounts are managed by the country admins and you can get in touch with them to request/modify access.


Weekly and Customizable Data view:

The table presents data on a weekly basis, with the option to filter by specific weeks. The table is also customizable—only the Article Variant Bundle Number field is mandatory, and other fields can be added or removed as needed.


The data set for the 13-week period is analysed to highlight any outliers (Orders that are significantly different from average volumes which are planned to be sold or ordered) in orange colour. The data from the table can also be exported from the Three dot menu bar as excel format.