1. General Look and Feel RCA | Failed Order Line Section


The search results section of the Root Cause Analysis page is named Failed Order Line and it consists of a grid displaying all the necessary information about the Failed Order Lines. In addition, there are few important features that can be used while working of FOLs. 


Each section is marked in the screenshot below:


1. Records Found - shows the number of FOLs found for the defined search criteria - e.g. 2,047 records found. Little 'i' is the legend which explains the color coding of FOLs displayed in the grid.


2. FOL Grid - shown one entry for each article variant for which there was a delivery problem. All relevant information is shown here, like Article no, Supplier article no, Order date, Order No, Planned Delivery Date, GR date, etc. (around 30 columns). This grid can be customised using the Burger menu at the right upper corner of the grid.


3. Page Size - reflects the number of records shown on a page. By default, it is 10 records, but it can be increase to 20, 50 or 100.


4. Bulk Update and Upload root causes (Excel) - used to assign RCA2 to the FOLs


5. Burger menu - used if you want to export the data from grid in Excel, CSV or get an Excel template or even to customise the columns of the grid for better visibility of the data.


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2. Customise Columns in the FOL grid


To customise the FOL grid, follow the steps below:


Step 1: Click on the Burger menu and select "Customise Column".


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Step 2: In the pop-up window, you can tick or untick columns and then click on "Save Changes".

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NOTE: Please note that some columns are set by default by the system. They are marked with grey and cannot be modified (like "Store" or "Supplier" in the screenshot above). Also, you can select all columns by clicking on "Select All".


Step 3 (optional): You can re-arrange the columns in the table and set them in your preferred order. Simply drag and drop a column by clicking on the column header and placing it where you want it to be in the grid.

3. Assign RCA2 and Comments to Failed Order Lines


One of your main tasks is to identify the new FOLs in SCOT and to provide your root cause for the problematic deliveries - i.e. RCA2. The root causes are split up in the following categories: Supplier, Metro, Force majeure and Commercial. Each of these RCs has a number and a short description which helps you to make the correct choice.


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SCOT offers you several options to assign RCA2 to Failed Order Lines (FOLs), depending on the number of FOLs and on your working style:

1. fewer FOLs --> line-by-line FOL update

2. many FOLs with same root cause (RC) --> FOL bulk update

3. many FOLs with different root causes (RCs) --> FOL Excel upload


All three possibilities are explained with step-by-step instructions below.


Step I: Identify NEW FOLs that you need to comment with RCA2


It is always advised to narrow down the list of FOLs in order to have a clear view when assigning RCA2. Using the search filters in order to identify the needed FOLs will provide you with a better and more clear overview.


Go to Root Cause Analysis -> select the appropriate filters and set RCA Assigned By Me = False -> click Search -> list of FOLs requiring RCA2 assignment from your side is shown.


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Alternatively, use the New FOL shortcut from Operational Weekly Dashboard on Homepage to access directly all FOLs that you need to comment with RCA2.


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Step II. Analyse FOLs and assign RCA2


1. Line-by-Line Update


Go to the FOL you want to comment, scroll to the right to column My RCA Number, double click the empty field corresponding to that FOL. A drop-down menu appears and you can select the needed root cause (RC). You can also leave a note in the column My RCA Comment. At the end, click Save Changes.



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Sometimes, a pop-up appears offering the option to assign the same RC to all article variants/FOLs belonging to the same order. Select Yes to update all or No to save only changes to the current FOL.


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2. Bulk Update: same RC assigned to multiples FOLs


Click the check box Bulk Update -> all FOLs are selected, uncheck the ones you do not want to update by clicking on the blue check box in front of them.


IMPORTANT! Use the fields displayed in the Bulk Update section, on top the the FOL table. 


Select RCA Number, enter the RCA Comment and click on Update. A pop-up informs you about the number of FOLs which will be updated. Click Yes.


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3. Update via Excel upload

Go to the Burger menu in the upper right corner of FOL grid -> select Export root causes (Excel) -> the Excel file is downloaded to your system.


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1. Delete the first two rows from the exported Excel file (otherwise the upload back in SCOT will not work).

2. For optimal performance, try to limit Excel file to maximum 10,000 FOLs and file size below 5MB

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Add your RCA2 in the column My RCA Number and your notes in column My RCA Comment, then save the changes to your Excel file.


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Go back to SCOT, click the checkbox Upload root causes (Excel) -> upload the saved Excel from your system -> click Upload.


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To check the status of the upload, click on Refresh (multiple times).


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To check if the FOL data from Excel has been successfully imported in SCOT, go to Search filters -> select the same criteria as before the export BUT with RCA Assigned by Me = True -> click Search -> updated FOL list should be shown, reflecting your RCA2 and comments.


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There are cases when the Excel is uploaded but the records (root causes and comments) are not updated in SCOT.

In such cases, the Result_FOLReport Excel file will provide you with an explanation of the problem in the Comment column, so it is easier for you to solve the problem and re-upload the Excel file.


After updating the FOLReport Excel file with the needed root causes (My RCA Number) and comments (My RCA Comment) and uploading it into SCOT, the Uploaded Excel Status table will show you the number of records updated or the fact that no records have been updated (Records Matched column).


In the View Results column you have the report Excel (Result_FOLReport) generated by the system where you can check the Comment column which explains the problem.


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In our example, the comment provided is Uploaded excel was not processed. Uploaded excel file might be in restricted mode or not valid. 

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By opening the original FOL Excel file, you can notice that it was indeed in Restricted status.

Change the status of Excel from Restricted to Unrestricted, Save and upload back again in SCOT.


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The Uploaded Excel Status table now shows that 146 of 146 records are updated. Open the Result FOL Report file and check the Comment column. It displays the Success message.

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4. Deadline to submit RCA2 and OTIF Calculation


The deadline by which you need to comment your RCA2 on FOLs is different for each country and is agreed by you and your Metro Supply Chain contact. You might need to check and comment FOLs weekly. Or monthly, by the end of the current month.



FOLs are “closed” (locked, uneditable) for you as a supplier as soon as Metro approves your RCA2 or enters RCA3.

Therefore, in case you need to make changes to RCA2 on any "closed" FOLs, Metro needs to mark “RCA2 Approval Status = Not Checked”, respectively to “Remove RCA3”. This will make FOLs editable for you again and you will be able to enter or change RCA2.