In the All Order Lines table, you can find all your order lines obtained from SCOT's sourcing systems (so not only Failed Order Lines - FOLs; these remain accessible via Root Cause Analysis tab). You can view order lines data by visiting the Contributors page and selecting the filters displayed on top of the page.
How to access All Order Lines Table
Please click on the wheel icon in the main menu to reach the Contributors page. All Order Lines table can be found by scrolling down on the page. It is the last table.
IMPORTANT: You can view only order lines from the Accounts and Articles in the specific period and type of contributor which have been selected in the filters. "Clear Filter" option removes all the filters applied and by default sets the period as Last 1 week.
- Period: Last 1 Week, Last 2 Weeks, Last 3 Weeks, Custom Month
- Account: All Accounts, list of individual accounts
- Contributors: All OTIF Contributors, Negative OTIF Contributors, Positive OTIF Contributors
- Article Variant No - Name: All Article Variants, list of individual article variants
After selecting the filters, click on "Search" and scroll down until the "All Order Lines" is displayed and the number of records can be found.
What columns are displayed in All Order Lines Table
The order lines Table consists of the following columns:
Account, Producer, Article Variant/Unit, Order Date, Order No, Order Planned Delivery Date (PDD), Delivery Location, On Time Delivery%, Late Delivery%, Non-Delivery%, Order Quantity (Metro Units), On Time Quantity (Metro Units), Late Quantity (Metro Units), Non-delivered Quantity (Metro Units), Order Value, On Time Value, Late Value, Non-Delivered Value, Actual Delivery Date, Gross On Time Delivery%, Gross Late Delivery%, Gross Non-Delivery%, Gross Order Quantity (Metro Units), Gross On Time Quantity (Metro Units), Gross Late Quantity (Metro Units), Gross Non-Delivered Quantity (Metro Units), Gross Order Value, Gross On Time Value, Gross Late Value, Gross Non-Delivered Value.
All these columns can be expanded by dragging the horizontal scroll bar to the right.
There is also a Configure Table where you can customise the columns of the table which are displayed as per your preference and selected filters. The Configure Table is set to "ALL" by default where all filters are selected.
Filters in Order Lines Table
There is a filter where you can change number of order lines that can be displayed in a page. If clicked on the dialog box beside Page size, the options are 10, 20, 50, 100 lines.

The column of Planned Delivery Date by default is sorted from the latest to the oldest and the other columns can be sorted from descending to ascending and vice-versa.
How to Export All Order Lines Table