The Detailed KPI View section of the Homepage consists of a drop-down menu and a graph, which are connected with the rest of the page giving you information about Net OTIF, Gross OTIF, Availability and Lost Sales Opportunity data. What is particular here is the period - last 9 weeks - and details level - article variant level.

The graph with two axes offers information for the last 9 weeks, showing both values: on the vertical axis there are values for Lost Sales Opportunity and percentages for the rest of the KPIs.

On the horizontal axis - year and week number (202324).

There is also a colour legend for the four available KPIs.

As mentioned above, you have a 4-line graph showing up all the time. These lines represent all the four KPIs from Homepage: Net OTIF, Gross OTIF, Availability and Lost Sales Opportunity data.

And this data for all the four KPIs is for the article variant number which is selected on the page, in case it is selected. So granularity goes down to article variant level for last 9 weeks.

If the Article variant number is not selected, then the graph shows the account level.

To see accurate data about all 4 KPIs for a specific week, expressed in percentages, just move the cursor over the point representing the week you want to check. A box will appear, showing you the week in question and all the indicators below.

If the "All - Accounts" option is selected in the "Account" drop-down menu, then only the "All Article Variants" option will be available in the "Article Variant No - Name" drop-down menu.

A message will also appear, inviting you to choose an account: "Please select an account first from the top of the page."