In order to conduct MAS audits with Internals (Metro colleagues), Below mentioned users needs to be created by HOP or Admin MAS.
Please note: To create Admin MAS profile either Country HOP creates it or get in touch with OSS team by writing to us at [email protected]
Creation of Profiles:
1. Admin MAS profile by HOP Finland:
2. Auditor Master (MAS) for Metro Internal profile created by HOP Finland or Admin MAS
This profile can be created in two ways depending on country settings:
1.Create Auditor Master profile without creating audit company(internal)
2. Set up internal audit company and assign some auditors to this company and one auditor among them is Auditor Master.
Step 1. Set up Internal Audit Company. Go Admin->Audit Company->Press Add button
provide name for the internal audit company , address . Possibility to add extra step of approval of CAP by Head office and Save
Step 2: Create Admin MAS Master profile and associate to Audit company created in Step 1.
Add username login , choose user profile Admin Master and Audit company (created in Step 1) and Save
Step 3: Go back to Audit Company and add this new profile user as Responsible and Save
3. Auditor MAS (Internal) profile
Auditor MAS (Internal) profile can be created in two possible away just like Auditor Master (MAS) either associate it with audit company (internal) by choosing the drop down menu from Audit company or just simply creating the profile leaving audit company blank
A)Profile with No Audit Company:
B) Profile with Audit Company(Internal) ---Please note Audit Company needs to be created first ( look for details in Profile Auditor MAS explained)
4. Supplier Auditee
This Profile is created for Supplier when it will act as an Auditee ie he will fill CAP for the Site (Factory/Production Site) .
In order to create this Profile, First we need to add Supplier in Qaudit system
Go to Supplier-->Add-->Fill details-->Save
Add production Site
Create Supplier Auditee profile:
5. Supplier Production Site (Auditee)
A user is created for Supplier Production Site(Auditee) incase the Production Site Manager is responsible for CAPon behalf of Supplier.
In order to create a profile at first place check if Production Site has been created in the system. If yes ,
Go to Admin->Users->Add -->Create the profile
If not, first create Production Site by following the below steps
Supplier->View->Choose the right supplier->Open->Add new factory click
Add Production Site
Create Supplier Production Site Profile
Go to Admin->Users->Add -->Create the profile