1. Rough Planning MAS Audit from HO Operation or External Master Auditor

To Start planning, click in "Audit" on "Add new single plan" (or multi-site plan if needed) 

Choose the Audit type & Site type 

Maintain all needed data, before clicking on next: Choose the checklist, Site to be audited and auditor who will conduct the audit

Red marked fields * are mandatory 

Maintain the Audit number

If needed, maintain a date (can be also maintained by auditor)   

Click on "Confirm planification" 

2. External (Detailled Planning and Execution Audit)

After External Master Auditor done detailed planning and External Auditor (External Master Auditor/External Auditor) conducted the audit, report validation task is with Head Office Operation/ Admin MAS (Internal)

Guidance for External service provider for conducting MAS Audits

3. Report validation (Internal validation): 

Next step report validation:

Search audit in "Audit" - "View Audits"

Define your search criteria and click on search 

Click on magnifier, status "Report under review"

If needed, add comments (not mandatory)

If needed, filter per "Conclusion":

Click on "Validate report" 

4. Supplier/ Factory (Execution CAP)

After Report Validation flow goes to Supplier/Factory for CAP Execution

5. Approval CAP

CAP will be either passed directly to Metro employee for approval or CAP will be passed to Metro External Lead master for 1.st CAP approval and after CAP approval by External Lead Master CAP passing to Metro employee. 

These steps describe how you approve/reject the CAP as final step:

Search audit in "Audit" - "View Audits"

Click on magnifier, status "CAP under review (by HO)"

"Approve CAP" or "Reject CAP"

if needed, add comments before