Search for available prospect supplier companies in MLP

METRO Link plus – Prospect Company Search



Go to M|EAC

select Metro Link Plus Dashboard

click on Prospective Suppliers Dashboard

click on the arrow next to your name and select Portal Management

click on Prospective Supplier Company Management

enter Supplier Name in Supplier Info. fieled

MLP will perform a supplier company search for the Metro Organization

If the company doesn’t appear in the list, then you can invite a new contact to register the company.

If the company appears then you can check the details and supplier contacts.

Search for available prospect supplier contacts in MLP

Navigate to Prospective Supplier Dashboard

Navigate to Portal Management and click on Prospective Supplier Company Management

Enter a contact name or email address and press enter, then check the results:

•If the contact does not appear in the list, then it needs to be invited. 

Only existing prospect supplier administrators can invite new users to their own companies. 

Please contact them to invite additional contacts into MLP. After a new contact registers, it automatically appears in eSourcing, and you can add it to your project.

•If the contact appears in the list, then you can check if eSourcing is assigned to the user.

Click on the view details icon.

In the service details tab, you can check if eSourcing is assigned to the user.

METRO Link plus – Prospect:  Invite Supplier Admin


Go to M|EAC

select Metro Link Plus Dashboard

click on Prospective Suppliers Dashboard

click on Invite Prospective Supplier

select METRO Organization and Supplier Type from dropdown menu

provide Supplier User Details: First Name, Last Name, Email ID

click on Send Invite 

Supplier admin will be invited to create MLP account through which will access eSourcing

You can invite only one Supplier user to register their company details for prospective Suppliers. 

Once the admin is registered, the admin can invite further users from their company

After this the contact will have 5 days to register before the invitation expires. 

Once the contact registers, then you receive an email notification.

METRO Link plus – Prospect: Registration Approval 

Supplier admin will receive an email with information on how to register into MLP.

After supplier admin will register in MLP, you will receive an email and will need to approve the registration.


Go to M|EAC

select Metro Link Plus Dashboard

click on Prospective Suppliers Dashboard

click on Search Invites

select Awaiting Approval status from Status field

click on View details to approve the registration


verify the company master data provided by the supplier

click on Approve/Reject

provide the Lead Business Unit

select Mquality, eSourcing and provide comments

click on Approve to approve the registration

For any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.