Dear QA community,

in case you are looking for Specification which is in MQuality system and you do not know where and who has now to do what there please see following points how to check this.

 If you do not see your Specification under "My tasks" than  :

1. go to "Specification Management "

search by Name or SP Id or other attributes 

when you will see your SP id in the list just klick on it to open SP

when you open your SP , please :

1. choose Revision history

2. check the status -open = the tasks are not finished jet and they are still to do (submitted = finished, done)

3. check who have this tasks - under Assigned to email id - you will see the persons who have the tasks

4. under Activity Name - you will see the type of the tasks , which part of the SP is affected / still open 

you can contact the person with open task with "friendly remainder" to do the tasks :)

so you can see here clear by whom , which tasks is still open 

Status of the SP you can check under  :

1. Status History - the highest one is the latest and actual one

2. first section - open it first - by clicking on the red marked narrow in right corner you will open the view on all "master data" of SP and the status as well