M|Quality system - Some Basics

M|Quality is based on workflows. For this, we have different roles and tasks to do in within the different statuses of the specification.  The purpose of the specification management workflow is to have a “mutually agreed” specification. At the end you will have to agree to the following declaration:


We, undersigned, declare that all the references we sell to METRO are in accordance with the Legislation and this corresponding specification. We certify that we will inform METRO if any evolution of the regulations or the products modifies the truthfulness of this declaration”


For specification management, the flow between Metro QA and Supplier looks as follows and will secure that both Metro and supplier agree on the exact same product information à which will be kept in the active specification.


An active specification is non-editable for both sides. If any amendment after activation of the product specification is needed, a new version of the specification can be created.

Based on the specification status users can check who needs to do what to complete the workflow. 

Note:  Users can only Edit specifications by running the tasks, If the specifications are opened from the specification management page the spec cannot be edited, only view. 

Users can also check who has a task to complete by opening the specification - clicking on Revision History and checking the Task status

In the bellow table we can see a description for each status of the specification. Based  on the workflow. 

The CollaborativeDraft status can be one for the supplier or can be divided in 2: CollaborativeDraftQA and CollaborativeDraftPkg. This is based on what the QA is choosing as "Packaging user type" when the specification is created. 


Sl# Status Name Description Activity Who can Edit the specification
1 Open When QA expert initiates the SP process and the details are yet to be filled or the  SP is not yet complete Create and Fill SP details - for Metro QA Only the QA can edit. QA initiates the specification.
2a Draft Once QA part is filled by QA expert on SP and SP is sent to supplier for filling missing master data the status of SP changes to Draft 1.Fill Missing Supplier Article Details - for Supplier Specification cannot be Edited, Supplier needs to update the master data and associate the article with the site. 
2b Draft Once Supplier fills in the Master data and submits this task the task will go to the QA to be approved.  2.tasks Review supplier info-goes to QA QA approves the master data
3 CollaborativeDraftQA When QA user submits SP to supplier after verifying the supplier details on SP, the status of the SP is CollaborativeDraftQA. Fill QA Section By Supplier - For supplier Supplier can Edit only the QA Sections
4 CollaborativeDraftPkg When Technical packaging(OB) user submits SP to supplier after filling the packaging section details on SP, the status of the SP is CollaborativeDraftPkg. Fill Packaging Section By Supplier - For Supplier Supplier can Edit only the Packaging sections
5 CollaborativeDraft When both QA(after supplier master data verification) and Technical Packaging submit the SP to supplier for filling the details on SP, the status of the SP is CollaborativeDraft. The status remains CollaborativeDraft until supplier fills the details of either QA or Packaging section Fill QA and Packaging Section By Supplier - For supplier Only supplier can edit Packaging and QA sections
6 CompletedBySupplierQA When supplier fills QA section of the SP and submits the task for QA user to review/Approve SP, status of SP changes CompletedBySupplierPkg Approve QA sections - For Metro QA QA can edit the QA sections or give annotations. QA can approve or reject the QA sections.
7 CompletedBySupplierPkg When supplier fills Packaging section of the SP and submits the task for technical packaging user to review/Approve SP, status of SP changes CompletedBySupplierPkg Approve Packaging sections - For Metro Packaging user Packaging user from Metro can edit the Packaging sections or give annotations. Packaging user can approve or reject the packaging sections. 
8 CompletedBySupplier When supplier fills both QA and Packaging section of the SP status of SP changes Completed by supplier Approve QA and Packaging sections - For Metro QA when QA and Pack section are completed /filled by supplier and submitted , tasks goes to QA and Pack- only QA or Pack can edit SP - supplier cannot see in "my task" this SP any more
9 ReviewCollaborativeDraftQA When QA user have sent the SP to supplier for review then the status is Review CollaborativeDraftQA Review QA Section By Supplier - For supplier only Supplier can change/ add only in the QA Sections
10 ReviewCollaborativeDraftPkg When technical packaging user has sent the SP to supplier for review then the status is Review CollaborativeDraftPkg Review Packaging Section By Supplier - For Supplier Only Supplier can change/ add only in the Packaging sections
11 ReviewCollaborativeDraft When both QA and technical packaging user have sent the SP to supplier for review then the status is Review CollaborativeDraft Review QA and Packaging Section By Supplier - For supplier Only Supplier can edit the Specification both QA / Pack - tasks by tasks. Both QA and Pack have been sent back to supplier by QA
12 ApprovedBYQA When the QA section is approved by QA experts, the status of the SP changes to Approved Approve QA section- for Metro QA
13 ApprovedByPackaging When the Packaging section is approved by Technical Packaging experts, the status of the SP changes to Approved Approve Pack section-For Metro Packaging user
15 Active When Last task of SP is submitted(send SP to design pack), the status of SP becomes Active. Only an Active SP is available for Amendment
Active status is final status for SP - QA cannot see it in dashboard but in SP search page.QA cannot cancel / edit SP now , only via  Amendment we can create new version of SP
16 Superseded When a new version of a SP becomes Active, the old version SP status changes to Superseded
this status will get SP with older version 
17 Cancelled When a QA user cancels the SP the status becomes cancelled and no further action on the SP can take place. The SP is no more available for any task transition. Only the SP can be used to copy the details in to another SP
QA can cancel  the specification till the status is before Active