1. Check translations in PhraseApp using MQUALITY application in parallel to see translation in the context and update in PhraseApp where needed.
  2. When you have finished, inform OSS by email to load translations into pre-production (PP).
  3. When load into MQUALITY PP has been completed, check result in the application (PP).
  4. If the result is ok, inform OSS by email to load translations into production (PROD).
    If the result is not ok, proceed with step 1.
  5. When load into MQUALITY PROD has been completed, verify result in the application (PROD).
  6. If the result is ok, be happy and celebrate. ?
    If the result is not ok, proceed with step 1.

More detail ? - please see https://confluence.metrosystems.net/display/MQUAL/PhraseApp+usage+in+MQUALITY
