After your Login into MQuality you will get following Home screen with all Specifications, which have been assign to you
under " My task" you can have different tasks "activities" for ONE same Specification. To change or add please "run the task" (see on the left > ) :
please "run the task" (see on the left > ) :
1. Fill Missing Supplier Details – By running this task, the supplier user will be asked to check and update the supplier’s own data, and to assign articles to the site.
2. Fill QA Section By Supplier – By running this task the supplier will edit/fill the details in the spec for Recipe and Raw Materials, Sustainability, Nutrition, Other Labelling Info, Storage and Finished Product Standards sections. Only information related to the “QA section” of the spec can be filled. - see here
3. Fill Packaging section – by running this task the supplier user will be able to edit/complete the Packaging sections. Information related to Packaging section of the spec can be filled. - see here
4. Fill QA and Packaging Section – in this case you will be able to maintain both the “QA section” and also the “Packaging”-related sections by running this in a single task.
Only in particular activities you can change or add some data. Depending on the workflow phase you are currently in, some sections may not be editable for you personally at that moment!
How to do the task - Fill Missing Supplier Details ?
- After Supplier user login, will find under “My tasks” activity – Fill Missing Supplier Details
- Please always go via icon “runs task”
to complete the task.
- You can view information about your own master data details.
- In case that your master data has to be changed, please send an mail describing the intended corrections to : [email protected]
- Only the comments attribute can be filled on Supplier details page. If any correction needed on the supplier details, this needs to be dealt in Metro Link Plus, outside of M|Quality application and M|Quality will receive the corrected information after it is corrected at MLP
- Clicking on the “Next” button will show the “Add sites” option in the edit mode
- You can see all the sites associated to supplier which are already available
- You have the option to Edit, Delete or Activate a previously Delisted site
Activate/Delete Site and associate the article to a specific supplier site - the most important step !
- You can add an additional site by clicking on the “Add Site”-button
After you enter the details please remember to click “Save”.
To move to next step, the most important is to associate the article from a specification to a specific supplier site.
- the most important step !
- Please copy the article name (1), only name of article (without the article ID).
- To associate the article to the site, please click on the „Add Article”-icon (2) at the correct supplier site.
- To find the article please paste the article name into the field “Search by Article Name”. Once found, select the correct article and push the “Add”-button.
- A green message appears that article added successfully to the site.
If you miss this step you will get the following error message and it will be not possible to go to the next step.
- You can always double-check under “Number of Articles” for the presence of the right articles.
- After this please click on “Save”-button and “Next”-button to move to next screen – which is called the “Add Documents”-page.
Add Certificate
- Within the “Add Site” page you can add a certificate by clicking on certificate icon below the “Add Certificate” column
- Then please click on the Add button
- With this, the certificate details will get saved to the site and the number will get updated in the No of Certificates column
- Please click on the number under the “No of Certificates” heading, and the certificate details will be shown below
- By clicking on the “Next” button you will be able to see the “Add Documents” page
Add Documents
- To add documents, please click on “Browse File” and upload your file – you can upload per site or on general supplier level.
- To make the upload against a site – just select the file from your computer, select the intended site and push the “Upload”-button
- If no site has been selected, then document is uploaded against the supplier (general document)
- You will have always the options to edit or delete.
- After this please click on “Save”-button and “Next”-button to move to the next screen.
Add Contact / EMERGENCY contact
- On this page you can see the users from your company, as known from Metro Link Plus.
- Any missing contacts need to be added via Metro Link Plus only!
- How to invite or delete other users from your company – please contact [email protected]
- On this page please add ONLY the “emergency contact” or “24h contact” by clicking on “Add contact button” – choose correct type in “Supplier Contact role”-field.
- Please fill out all mandatory fields – marked by a “star” and hit “Save”
Submit Supplier Record
- The last step to send the tasks to METRO/Makro is on the “Preview and submit page”
- Please check the data and click on “I updated my details“-button to save and send the task to QA Expert for review.
- In this moment the task was transferred to the METRO QA Expert for review. The task will have disappeared from your personal “My Tasks”-section.
- When the Supplier Details are approved by QA Expert, you will get next task – “Fill QA Section by Supplier”, which we will cover in the next chapter.
now the Metro QA have to approve it and in nest step you will get QA section tasks for review.
Thank you !