Depending on the selected awarded article & supplier combination the project status will change after the awarding into
Awarded or Awarding in process.
The awarding is done in the Awarding tab.
- Prerequisite for awarding is that the Demand Specification was created and maintained in the tender
- Project status that is allowing the awarding: Closed/Analysis
- Select all article & supplier combination that needs to be awarded and click on the Award button
Remark: You can also use the Export Awarding/Import functionality in this step
Awarding in process project status:
- After clicking the Award button, the project status will change from Closed/Analysis into Awarding in process
- This project status shows that some article & supplier combinations were awarded
- Awarded awarding status: awarded article & supplier combinations; marked with a green dot
- Not yet awarded awarding status: not yet awarded article & supplier combinations ; marked with a grey dot
Awarded project status:
- all articles were awarded to each suppliers or
- after needed article & supplier combinations were awarded (Project status: Awarding in process), we click on
Finalize project
- Finalize project icon allows you to change the project status from Awarding in process into Awarded
- The system will make a check and set all not yet awarded lines as Not awarded; marked with yellow dot
For any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.