If you want to plan a single audit in one store or document review list, you create a single plan audit. 

For this please click on the drop down 'Audits' and select 'Add new single plan'

In the next step you have to work on the following fields:

1) Choose the Audit type 

2) Site type

3) Press Next

Next page appears.  Choose the right Site type,Checklist, Site and Auditors:


Once Next is pressed , new page appears 

1.Add here the date for audit to be conducted 

2. If there are multiple auditors involved then one lead auditor can be selected , this person can validate the audit. 

 Secondly chapters can be distributed among the auditors by selecting which auditors name in the drop down. 

3. Audit planification can be saved by using SAVE button 

4. Confirm Planification button when clicked a notification email is sent to audito(s) about the audit planned.