Generally, Country user cannot add any new chapter into the checklist, to give more flexibility we have created four chapter Other(1),Other(2),Other(3), Other(4) in the checklist which can be translated by country into their specific topic. 

Subchapters and questions inside has to be added by country user. Country cannot change title “Other”, but only translate chapter “Other” into specific topic (e.g. Show kitchen if a chapter for Show Kitchen is needed). The chapter Other needs to be normally translated as all other chapters and structure built up is same like in all other chapters. 

Please keep in mind that weighting factors count on “Other” just a little weight under 1%,5%,4% and 1% so you would need to create more weight on subchapters.

How to translate Other, where in the system I can do it? It is in Group tables translations and it is only added in the ready checklist there.