Please follow the steps below to add a new and/or missing assortment group in spaceman
In case of a new store, please make sure:
- To create/activate the new store in MMS HO
- To add the new store in the UDEF table in MDW
DW_UDEF_SPACE_STORE_LIST - list for all stores, articles should be delivered for
INSERT INTO DW_UDEF_SPACE_STORE_LIST (company_hier_id, client_cd) VALUES (<company hier id>, <client_cd>); Example: INSERT INTO DW_UDEF_SPACE_STORE_LIST (company_hier_id, client_cd) VALUES (7011,1560);
Note: Company Hier ID means the internal Company Hier ID from MDW (or HIER_LFD from MMS), NOT store id.

- Click on Spaceman
- Click on “Open From Connectivity”
- Choose SPACEMAN-IT data base
- Click “+” on first Assort Group
- Right click on folder “0” and choose “New”
- At the end of store list, you will see “New Folder”, save it with correct store name.
IMPORTANT: in the new store folder a DUMMY planogram will be created automatically - this should not be changed as long as there is another one stored.
- Click on OK to open it
- Click on the 'Save' button to put it on status 'Work In Progress', so that the planogram can receive data during the night run