Metro Link Plus is the follow up of the 'old' Metro Link Portal and still designed as the central platform for suppliers to collaborate with METRO Group. It combines nearly all information and collaborative relevant processes between suppliers and the companies of Metro Group.

Aim of the Supplier Portal Metro Link Plus is still to enhance collaboration with suppliers. Therefore a supplier portal was set up, where suppliers of METRO Group will find the basic information and applications they need for an efficient cooperation with METRO Group. Metro Link allows a fast and efficient access to all information and vital applications for daily working processes of the suppliers. From Metro point of view it is essential that we can offer all information and applications under one roof. We offer a single point of truth and a single point of contact. In that way a deeper integration of the suppliers in METRO processes, without creating dependencies, is possible and easier to be implemented.

From the Metro supplier point of view, Metro Link enable them a simplified access to information and applications. Thanks to single sign on functionality of Metro Link, it is not necessary for them to keep all links and passwords of their METRO applications in mind. Only with one log in they have access to several information.

As the Metro Link supplier portal is based on a flexible concept it is easy for each country to customize the information a supplier should see. The selection of integrated applications may differ from country to country.


How can Offer Solution Services help you?


Defect Handling 

If anything goes wrong in Metro Link plus, like system down, technical errors or unexpected behaviour of the application, we will try to reproduce the issue, provide a workaround if existing, contact the provider if necessary so that the issue is solved as soon as possible. The users get a stable environment where they can work better and you are informed about the progress of the issues.

  • Please contact us in such cases


If you need help in handling the application, we will explain the best we can so you are able to use Metro Link plus without struggling.

  • Please contact us if you have any question about what to do in Metro Link plus.

Consultancy / Customer Care 

If you as supplier are not sure which handling would be the best and need consultancy, we will try to give you the best advice we know of. 

  • Please contact us if you need advice around Metro Link plus

E Learning / Tutorials 

We offer a knowledge database online with videos so that you have access to our knowledge even if we are not available 

User Management 

The administrator accounts are currently initiated via the Metro Supplier Management team.

Further regular user accounts can be done by any administrator of the given supplier company via the 'Supplier Onboarding' option

  • Please contact us if you need further advice for Metro Link plus user management


Customizing / Change 

If you have ideas on how to improve Metro Link plus e.g. if you miss functionalities, we will gladly provide your suggestions to our product owner for possible further enhancements.

  • Please contact us if you have any suggestion to improve Metro Link plus



In case Metro Link plus is slow, or slower than usual, you can contact us and we will try to help you with technical advice about your environment, we will try to reproduce the low performance and inform the provider about the issue so that they can improve the speed of the system.

  • Please contact us when Metro Link plus is slow



How to reach us?

Contact ways for our support  

METRONOM Contacts:

Product Owners:  Nicole Stenzel [email protected]

             Business Partner: Stefanie Schlothauer [email protected]