When you do any changes in "Merchandising Setup", you must create a new Range Plan on the same day.

The "Merchandise Setup" section is updated daily from MMS. This means that all changes done in this section (except linear meters and SKU targets) are overwritten. For this reason, when perform any changes in this section, a Range Plan must be created on the same day.

Range Plans are on purpose “frozen” and all data is stored once they are created. The Range Plan shows the AssG-MaGr structure you want to have in the future. In the created range plan, the store/MaGr structure is frozen for this range plan and can be viewed in the below screen. It will be also not changed there, if the structure is overwritten in the Merchandize part by the daily MMS load.

If Range Plans would be automatically updated every day, the planned structure would be lost.

After the planning is completed and approved, the change of the store assignment (MaGr change) is also exported to MMS and will be considered also in the next range plan then. SKU counts and linear meters are only available in ARP, so they are not overwritten by the daily load.

In case a Range Plan is not created on the same day, the following situations may occur:

  • "In my Range Plan, stores are wrongly assigned to MaGr"
  • "Some articles / categories are missing in my Range Plan"
  • "My Range Plan shows articles that don’t belong to it"



Always check the AssG & MaGr, before starting with the planning. You cannot change the AssG/MaGr structure after a Range Plan is created.

  • Go section "Range Plan Setup" --> "Show AssG / MaGr details"



  • Are the stores assigned correctly to Regions & AssM = MaGr?

    Are linear meters and SKU targets correctly maintained?

  • The reports below is based on how articles are currently assigned in MMS to COMS and to AssG.

    Does this correctly reflect the future assortment structure?

    If an old or wrong AssG is shown in this report, it means that at least 1 article is assigned to it in MMS.

    By “cleaning” this mapping table in Merchandise Setup, ARP will help to easily identify and migrate the articles to the correct AssG.


  • Are there any COMS categories missing, which also belong an Assortment Group?

    Are there any COMS categories shown, do not belong to an Assortment Group?

    If yes, you must add/remove the COMS-AssG links
    --> Go to "Merchandise Setup" --> "Define Assortment Groups" --> "Manage COMS – AssG links"

    By “cleaning” this mapping table in Merchandise Setup, ARP will help to easily identify and migrate the articles to the correct AssG.