The mass upload files are generated with the approval of a Range Plan.

In case you have “mixed” activations (= 1 article having a mix of MaGr and Store activation), this creates problems in the step-by-step MMS maintenance.

Example: Article 9954

  • The article is active (on order) in Regions BIG CITIES, ANATOLIA and ISTANBUL
  • The article is set to inactive in Region SEASONAL

  • In “Plan store exceptions” the article is active in 1 store (81) in the Region SEASONAL.

The ARP->MMS maintenance with store exceptions is complex. We do NOT recommend to use this possibility in ARP (e.g. not to allow for store exceptions).

An article should either have MaGr activation or be a Local article activated at store level. It should not be both at the same time.

When starting with ARP, ending store exceptions doesn’t happen automatically. It requires an initial, active “cleaning” by the user.

  • Store exceptions are different store /MaGr activations in MMS

  • ARP pre-fills “Store Exceptions Yes/No” values based on the current status in MMS

  • In ARP, we cannot simply ignore and change an existing MMS assortment structure. We can’t automatically end exceptions

  • Instead, the user has to review the exceptions one by one. He/she can simply clean them by setting “Store Exception = No”

  • If this done, store exceptions will be ended with the upload of the Range Plan to MMS

  • This exercise is only needed when doing the first Range Plan. Thereafter, MMS will be "clean".

Workaround to solve the issue:

If you would still wish to have “mixed” activations, see and plan all details (NOT recommended), you have go to the workflow “Plan stores exceptions". Furthermore, the mass upload files must be generated 1 after 1, always waiting for the MMS upload & night run.

Without going into the details: In this case, with mixed activations, the Master Data team has to create the mass uploads in ARP step-by-step. Example:

  1. Create the first mass upload file in ARP, maintain in MMS (steps 10, 20, 30, 32)

  2. MMS night run

  3. On the next day, create in ARP the upload files 39, 40, 45 (Local Code setting, MaGr activation) Maintain in MMS

  4. MMS night run

  5. On the next day, create in ARP the upload files 50, 60 (Store Activation, Article Class). Maintain in MMS